Extend the capabilities of your compact tractor with mowers, spreaders, grapples, augers, forks, and more. Lano Equipment is proud to offer compact tractor attachments from top-quality brands like Landpride, FFC, Kubota, Harley, Virnig, and many more. Lano Equipment takes pride in carefully choosing the highest quality and toughest compact tractor attachments available that stand up to your toughest tasks. We offer a wide variety of new, used, and clearance machines at three convenient locations. Need a rental? We have everything from attachments to skid steers available for daily, weekly, or monthly rates!
Speak with a compact tractor attachment expert now 763-307-2800.
Choose compact tractor attachments to add versatility to your operation.

Whether the task requires moving snow, dirt or heavy materials, Lano offers compact tractor blade attachments in a variety of widths and styles. Choose from Land Pride Rear Blades are an excellent choice for leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications at feedlots, building sites, and maintenance operations on farms, ranches, and roadways. Landpride’s Retractable Box Scrapers are also great for dirt moving, soil contouring and more.

Snow removal can be a daunting task without the right snow removal attachments. Lano offers quality snow blades, snow pushers and snow blowers from FFC, Landpride, Metal Pless, and other quality brands. Select the compact tractor snow attachment that best suits your projects and let Lano help you make your winter season that much more profitable.

Lano offers a number mower attachments for compact tractors from Landpride and Kubota, all providing excellent cut quality and performance in lush turf grasses, on expansive areas such as fairways, parks, schoolyards, sports fields, and small estates. Lano also offers Rotary Cutters capable of cutting rough brush and up to 1″ diameter material, ideal for daily use in small lots and hobby farm grass maintenance.

Also known as a soil conditioner attachment, Lano Equipment offers Harley Compact Tractor Power Box Rake Attachments, great for hard and compacted material, trench restoration and golf course construction. With a Harley you can easily transform an old lawn into a perfect seedbed. If you can’t work because the job is wet, weedy, hard and rocky with erosion everywhere, it can be dried, flattened, pulverized and ready for seed in 30 minutes.

Lano offers Land Pride CA Series Core Aerators to relieve soil compaction and allow air circulation in grassy surfaces such a lawns, sports fields, municipal parks and golf course fairways. When your turf begins to suffer the effects of compaction and wear, the CA Series Aerator provides immediate seasonal relief. Available in widths from 48″ to 72″ for a variety of landscaping applications.

Lano Equipment offer a variety of compact tractor grapple attachments from Virnig and Landpride. Move brush, clean stalls, lift debris, and so much more with Land Pride’s SGC0548 Claw Grapple — make chores a breeze. Virnig’s Compact Tractor Utility Fork Grapple is a durable, versatile one cylinder compact tractor grapple attachment with replaceable teeth that handles a variety of materials including manure, brush, and debris.

This affordable compact tractor attachment gives your operation huge versatility, providing a way to cost effectively transport semi-loose material. Teeth easily penetrate piles and low profile allows excellent visibility. High tensile strength teeth require no maintenance and are removable for easy replacement. Light weight, yet durable construction perfect for compact tractors.

Lano Equipment offers high quality compact tractor snowblower attachments from Landpride and Normand available in a variety of plowing widths to remove snow from driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks in general residential areas. The adjustable chute and deflector allow the operator to direct the snow where desired.

Lano offers the Kubota brand VS Series Compact tractor spreader attachments, ideal for spreading granule materials with maximum precision and ease of operation – Kubota’s versatile compact tractor spreader attachment is available in a variety of widths and styles to accommodate any spreading application. No matter how large or small the area you need to cover, you can count on a Kubota spreader for precise control for fewer spreading errors.

Dig holes with speed and accuracy using high quality augers and bits from Landpride. Nurseries, tree farms, landscapers, contractors, farmers, ranchers and municipalities will find the Land Pride PD Series Compact Tractor Post Hole Digger attachment invaluable for heavy-duty applications. The PD25 Series is designed for Category 1 or 2 three-point attachment, offers a 48″ auger length, and a choice of 6″tor 24″ auger flights with cast steel fishtail tips.

Lano offers the Stumper 3500 compact tractor attachment for maximum stump-grinding durability. With an elegantly simple design, the Stumper 3500 powers through the toughest stumps and roots. With no complex gearboxes, the 3500 keeps you grinding-not repairing. The 45–90 horsepower Stumper can consume a 12 inch stump in minutes and removes stumps within 6 inches of buildings or fences. The Stumper also mulches a stump anywhere your tractor can go.