Speak with a Diamond Mowers specialist now 763-307-2800

Lano Equipment is proud to partner with USA-based Diamond Mowers of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the leading manufacturer of industrial mowing, mulching, and brush cutting attachments for skid-steer and excavator markets. Products include: boom mowers, rotary mowers, flail mowers and forestry mulchers for municipalities, contractors, and land owners. The company entered the skid-steer and excavator attachment markets in 2013, and manufactures rotary mowers and forestry mulchers that attach to skid loaders and excavators – products ideal for small, and large-scale brush clearing operations. We also are proud to service your Diamond attachment or mower at any three convenient locations.

Diamond Mowers builds tough skid steer attachments for the most demanding land-clearing applications. They’re super heavy-duty skid steer attachments solidly crafted to last and give your operation added versatility. LEARN MORE ABOUT DIAMOND MOWERS
For land-clearing and more, Diamond Mowers mean business.

Ideal for large mulch and brush management applications. Forestry disc acts like a flywheel to store energy. Energy used to cut and mulch comes from stored energy, not hydraulic power alone. It utilizes one style of teeth for simple care and maintenance, 44 hardened steel teeth act like an axe to slice material and 4 fixed teeth inside mulch, as the disc carries material through.

Proprietary Tri-Hex Disc provides greater inertia in tough conditions. Discs are 50,000 PSI rated steel for unparalleled durability, and easy blade maintenance. Utilizes hex blade bolts and hardened inserts for the toughest blade retention. Tri-Hex Disc comes standard with an unprecedented 5-year warranty. Available in two models 35-41 GPM and 21-28 GPM.

Ideal for large mulch and brush management applications. Proprietary helical tooth pattern modeled after a vacuum brush feeds material efficiently toward the center of the drum.
2-Speed Variable Displacement Piston Motor protected within low profile frame for maximum productivity and visibility. Drum shell shaped to mulch material effectively.
Lano Equipment offers the most competitive pricing for a range of new and used equipment. For new products, ask us about Develon’s current programs. If you need financing to purchase a used excavator or wheel loader, we can hook you up with resources that can offer you some options.